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Leaving the Witness Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life ~ Leaving the Witness Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life Hardcover – June 4 2019 by Amber Scorah Author
Leaving the Witness Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life ~ Leaving the Witness Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life is the solidlywritten memoir of writer podcaster and former Jehovah’s Witness missionary Amber Scorah Raised as a thirdgeneration Witness and in a loveless marriage she convinces her husband and the elders of the church to let her move to Asia – a lifelong dream – with her and her husband as missionaries of course
Leaving the Witness Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life ~ Leaving the Witness is a fascinating account of Amber Scorahs involvement with the organization known as Jehovahs Witnesses Amber takes her readers on an emotional journey into the trials and tribulations of life in a highcontrol group Her devotion and commitment to her religion eventually takes her on assignment to Shanghai China
Leaving the Witness Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life ~ Leaving the Witness Hardcover Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life By Amber Scorah Viking 9780735222540 288pp Publication Date June 4 2019
Leaving the Witness NPR ~ Leaving The Witness The End Of The World As She Knew It Upon Losing Her Religion June 5 2019 • Amber Scorah was a Jehovahs Witness and a missionary in China when she began to harbor
Leaving the Witness Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life ~ The Societies’ response to Scorah’s move away from the beliefs of her religion is decisive cruel and isolating Scorah’s courage in the face of alienation and excommunication is admirable After reading Leaving the Witness by the New York writer and podcaster you might have second thoughts about the JW’s at your door Scorah takes the reader through her own painful journey of release from the unrelenting grip of the eightmembered Governing Body of the Watch Tower Society a
“Leaving the Witness Exiting a Religion and Finding a ~ Leaving the Witness Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life Amber Scorah Viking June 2019 Jehovah’s Witnesses operate in China not unlike CIA agents Both need other jobs as “cover” but Jehovah’s Witnesses who encouraged to stay away from “worldly” influence of university it’s hard to find work in a place where expat jobs usually require college degrees
Leaving the Witness Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life ~ Leaving the Witness Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life by Amber Scorah has an overall rating of Positive based on 5 book reviews
Leaving The Witness The End Of The World As She Knew It ~ But then a series of events left Amber Scorah less sure of the truth They led to her loss of faith and her own personal apocalypse Having started over she has written about it in a new memoir called Leaving the Witness Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life
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