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Anchor Moments ~ Come to Anchor Moments to be inspired and to inspire others while on your journey Click here to get a copy of Ginas first book in the Anchor Moments series Anchor Moments Hope Healing and Forgiveness or visit Ginas author page on Amazon to learn more Over the years we can be hurt by different people and life events
Anchor Moments Hope Healing and Forgiveness Gina La ~ Anchor Moments Hope Healing and Forgiveness is a beautiful and inspiring book on the art of forgiveness and the essential role forgiveness can play in building and maintaining a full and meaningful life of love connectedness and spiritual fulfillment
Anchor Moments Hope Healing and Forgiveness Kindle ~ Anchor Moments Hope Healing and Forgiveness is a beautiful and inspiring book on the art of forgiveness and the essential role forgiveness can play in building and maintaining a full and meaningful life of love connectedness and spiritual fulfillment
Customer reviews Anchor Moments Hope ~ Ginas transparency in Anchor Moments shows how she let go of her old baggage Gina tells us it takes a strong person to apologize and then shows us how by including Six Steps to a Healthy Apology If you want a book that is a quick and easy read with encouraging take away messages then Anchor Moments Hope Healing and Forgiveness is the one for you
Anchor Moments YouTube ~ Join author and host of Anchor Moments Gina La Benz and get anchored Hope Healing and Forgiveness and Anchor Moments with Gina La Benz broadcaster speaking at several live events 530
Anchor Moments Home Facebook ~ Such a wonderful and expiring book of hope healing and forgiveness always refreshing in this and age to read about the goodness and warmth of the human spirit which shines so brightly in Gina’s actions her book and in her life journey can remind us all of God’s beautiful love for us and how we can and do show that love to others ️ See More
Meet Gina La Benz of Anchor Moments in Chandler ~ Anchor Moments Hope Healing and Forgiveness is available as a Kindle eBook for only 549 and I donate one dollar from each eBook sold to CeCe’s Hope Center Sponsorship of my Anchor Moments shows produced by Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network is now available
Hope Fellowship Mike Zenker Anchor ~ Healing Life’s Hurts Pt 1 – ‘Expanding Your Understanding’ of what ‘Forgiveness’ is Everyone has or knows someone that has ‘hurts’ deep in their life that needs healing What if many of those hurts could be healed by realizing a ‘better’ perspective on forgiveness Too many trite sayings and church teachings have placed a tremendous amount of guilt on individuals regarding
Healing Your Shame and Guilt Through SelfForgiveness ~ Forgiveness Healing Your Shame and Guilt Through SelfForgiveness When you take responsibility for your actions you may feel more shame at the moment but that feeling of shame will be
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