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Pope Pius XIIs Silent War Part I Catholic Journal ~ When Pope Benedict XVI approved a decree last month that nudged nearer to sainthood his controversial wartime predecessor Pius XII he sparked another round of the sort of JewishCatholic disputations that have marked his papacy…Pope Benedict’s decision of course renewed the long standing debate over Pius’s World War II legacy was he “silent” or even complicit in the Nazi extermination of the Jews
Pope Pius XIIs Silent War Part IV Catholic Journal ~ Pope Pius XII’s “Silent” War Part IV In March 1998 the Vatican released a statement on the Catholic Church and the Holocaust entitled “We Remember A Reflection on the Shoah” The document was intended to heal the rift between the Church and the Jewish Community for wrongs suffered during the Holocaust
Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust Wikipedia ~ Ecclesiastical historian William Doino author of The Pius War Responses to the Critics of Pius XII contests Zuccottis assertion and has said that Pius XII was emphatically not silent and did in fact condemn the Nazis horrific crimes–through Vatican Radio his first encyclical Summi Pontificatus his major addresses especially his Christmas allocutions and the L’Osservatore Romano and he intervened time and time again for persecuted Jews particularly during the German
Pope Pius XII Wikipedia ~ After World War II Pope Pius XII focused on material aid to wartorn Europe an internal internationalization of the Catholic Church and the development of its worldwide diplomatic relations His encyclicals Evangelii praecones and Fidei donum issued on 2 June 1951 and 21 April 1957 respectively increased the local decisionmaking of Catholic missions many of which became independent dioceses
Documentary confronts cost of Pope Pius XIIs Holy ~ Documentary confronts cost of Pope Pius XII’s ‘Holy Silence’ during Holocaust Premiering January 21 ahead of the imminent opening of the Secret Vatican Archives for 19391958 film provides
Pius XII Biography Papacy Facts Britannica ~ Hoping to serve as a “Pope of Peace” Pius XII tried unsuccessfully to dissuade European governments from embarking on war As part of his policy of preserving the impartiality of the Holy See and serving as mediator between nations Pius did not want to antagonize fascist Italy and Nazi Germany by issuing an encyclical that would have provoked them a decision now cited by historians antipathetic to the pope as a sign of his indifference in the face of evil His defenders in turn
Pius XII and the Jews during World War II ~ Pius XII Pope from 1939 to 1958 “rescued more Jews than all the Allies combined” During and after World War II and again upon his death in 1958 Pope Pius XII was praised by secular and Jewish leaders for his efforts to save Jews from the Naziinduced Holocaust
Pope Pius XII the Holocaust ~ Pope Pius XIIs 18761958 actions during the Holocaust remain controversial For much of the war he maintained a public front of indifference and remained silent while German atrocities were committed He refused pleas for help on the grounds of neutrality
LongBuried Vatican Files Reveal A New Indictment Of Pope ~ Longburied Vatican files reveal a new and shocking indictment of World War II’s Pope Pius XII that in pursuit of absolute power he helped Adolf Hitler destroy German Catholic political opposition betrayed the Jews of Europe and sealed a deeply cynical pact with a 20thcentury devil
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